“Tanzania is a nation of children. We are very thankful for the generosity of the DDT family, which enabled us to invest in our two schools in Tanzania to engage, equip and empower the most vulnerable children to discover and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.”
Yusuph Emmanuel
Our Impact
There are many non-profit organizations doing amazing work throughout the greater Dallas area. We specifically seek Christian non-profit organizations where our funds can help elevate their mission, expand their “reach,” and improve their results.
Choosing where best to apply our funding is always difficult. We continually wish we had more to give. But along the way, we have been honored and blessed to support some outstanding mission work.
2022 Grant Award $50,000
Men of Nehemiah
Rebuilding Lives, Restoring Families
Men of Nehemiah is a Christian organization that exists to rebuild the lives of men who have been torn apart by the effects of drug and alcohol addiction. They serve each man as he is restored to the person God created him to be, reunited with his family and community.

For over 12 years, Men of Nehemiah has been bringing effective, lasting transformation to the lives of men and their families in South Dallas.
Their model is completely unique, combining the latest in research-backed clinical services with compassionate spiritual direction and a one-of-a-kind military structure.
How are We Helping?
About 30 Dallas Dream Team members visited the Men of Nehemiah campus in February of 2022. We were impressed with the staff as well as the entire program. However, in a moment that can only be described as “The Holy Spirit,” we were serenaded by these incredible men and the earnest sharing and encouragement that attendees … men and women … experienced that day will be long remembered.
Dream Team funds are being utilized to add important family counseling services, which will aid in the “re-entry” of men into the family home. We look forward to more opportunities to witness and support this amazing ministry.
2022 Grant Award Runners Up
Adventure in Victory
Rebuilding, Transforming, and empowering women and their families lives by providing access to education, job training, financial literacy, and spiritual support.
Restored Hope Ministries
Restored Hope Ministries first objective is to rescue young women and their children who are trapped in sexual slavery, trafficking, and domestic violence who can’t break loose and get out on their own.
The Well Community
Adults who struggle with severe and chronic mental illnesses are thirsty for acceptance, support and meaningful relationships. The Well Community restores hope and dignity through life-skills training, friendships and the power of faith. For those who live with stigma and isolation, the Well provides a place to belong.
2021 Grant Award $50,000
Christian Works for Children
Building Healthy Homes and Families
With its foundation deeply rooted in Christian principles, the purpose of Christian Works for Children is to help children and their families meet and overcome even the most difficult challenges in their lives.
Through their flagship, GriefWorks, a program that provides a safe and loving environment where children and teens can share their stories of loss and explore their grief openly. GriefWorks offers free grief support for children ages 5-18 and their families.
How are We Helping?
New in 2021, as a result of our grant, Christian Works in Dallas launched its very own summer bereavement camp for kids.

2021 Grant Award Runners Up
Emily’s Place
Emily’s Place provides long-term housing that is critical for helping domestic violence survivors permanently escape abuse. It is the “bridge” from a shelter, which typically allows women a safe place for 30 to 90 days, to independent living, free of the barriers preventing them from achieving self-sufficiency away from their abusers.
Hope Clinic of McKinney
Hope Clinic of McKinney is a free medical, vision, and behavioral health clinic serving low-income, uninsured Collin County, Texas families.
The Well Community
Adults who struggle with severe and chronic mental illnesses are thirsty for acceptance, support and meaningful relationships. The Well Community restores hope and dignity through life-skills training, friendships and the power of faith. For those who live with stigma and isolation, the Well provides a place to belong.
2020 Grant Award $75,000
Our Calling
Loving Our “Homeless” Neighbors
Our Calling is a faith-based organization that leads the homeless to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle by building lasting relationships and making disciples on the streets.
Over the course of a year, many people in Dallas County find themselves without a home. Whether as a result of mental illness, diminished opportunity, unfortunate life choices, or violence and trauma in their past, these individuals have lost hope, lost faith, and lost sight of their true path.
How are We Helping?
Our grant enabled Our Calling to complete a project to build out a “women’s” intake facility, separate from the men’s facility. All too often, women are unable to escape difficult and/or dangerous environments unless they are removed from the situation in order to expose their “truth” and get assistance. The separate facility will help to ensure finding the right situation for many women.
2020 Grant Award Runners Up
Bonton Farms
Just like seeds, people need the right nutrients to grow to their full potential. That’s why we’ve created programs that holistically lift up this community by addressing health, wellness, and housing challenges.
Exodus Ministries
Exodus Ministries transforms the lives of formerly incarcerated mothers and their children by providing a safe place to live, tools needed for success, and Christ-centered spiritual support.
Alive at Last
We help empower women who have been trafficked and exploited to live free and discover their God-given purpose.
2019 Grant Award $50,000
Cornerstone Crossroads Academy
Giving Urban Youth a “Second Chance”

Cornerstone Crossroads Academy exists to expose at-risk high school students to the hope, and abundant life found in Christ, equipping students to know God and serve Him forever.
Their goal is to help CCA graduates become independently functioning and productive members of the community who influence their families, neighborhoods, and communities for Christ.
How are We Helping?
Our grant enabled Our Calling to complete a project to build out a “women’s” intake facility, separate from the men’s facility. All too often, women are unable to escape difficult and/or dangerous environments unless they are removed from the situation in order to expose their “truth” and get assistance. The separate facility will help to ensure finding the right situation for many women.
Apply Today!
We invite your ministry to review the online grant application and consider applying for a grant. We will look forward to getting to know more about the work you are doing to support our Dallas-area communities!