Our Mission
Liz Morris, Founder
Jesus challenges us to serve the least of these
In 2017, Liz Morris was invited to volunteer with a rescue ministry which took her to the most dangerous location in Dallas, Tx. Police were on high alert that day, due to a recent murder on site. Volunteers were required to wear close-toed shoes to avoid infected needles. Behind barred windows, residents kept a suspicious eye on the volunteers. Stories told by locals were tragic, even hopeless.
This encounter opened Liz’s eyes to a reality far removed from her life experience in the comfort of a suburban home. That day, she met many people whose lives were compromised and marginalized. The experience compelled Liz to action. She prayed for an avenue to help the hurting and the helpless … an avenue that would make a much greater impact than what she could do alone. Out of this experience was born the Dallas Dream Team.
The Dallas Dream Team was launched in 2018, and is a growing movement of Christian women investors with giving hearts. In just four years, The Dallas Dream Team has over 120 members and has granted over $350K to 14 Dallas-area non-profit organizations and seven worldwide missionaries.
The Dallas Dream Team is one of several ministries founded and overseen by Liz Morris. Learn more about the breadth of Liz Morris Ministries @ lizmorrisministries.org.
The Dallas Dream Team exists to serve “the least of these” by providing grants to Christian non-profit organizations throughout the Dallas Metroplex in order to boost existing ministries, freeing them financially to expand their outreach and launch new initiatives that lift up those in need.


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