Grant Process
There are many wonderful non-profit organizations serving the greater Dallas metropolitan area. The Dallas Dream Team seeks to identify, vet, and invest specifically in Christian-based agencies that are serving the “least of these” in our community, taking a “Kingdom view” of their mission (i.e., non-denominational) spreading the Gospel and who are ready to grow or take their mission to the next level. If this describes your mission, we look forward to getting to know the work you are doing!
2025 Grant Selection Process
Ours is an annual process, with grants awarded in the Spring of each year. Our grant calendar for 2025 is as follows:
- August 1, 2025 (by Midnight): Complete and submit online grant application.
- August – September 2025, the Grant Committee will review all applications, and with Board approval, announce the top four finalists in contention for the annual grant(s).
- November, 2025 – The Dallas Dream Team’s “Final Four” spring event. The top four finalists will be invited to make a 10-minute presentation to Dream Team members.
- February – March 2026 – Member site visits to the four finalist agencies will be conducted.
- March, 2026 – Members will submit their votes for grant recipients.
- April, 2026 – Awards Banquet. Grant award(s) will be announced. Funds will be distributed.
Award Recipients
Our member “investors” remain very interested in the organizations we support and very much enjoy learning more about the agency, as well as keeping apprised of progress against the projects that are funded by our grants. Therefore, our grant recipients are asked to:
- Presentation. Make a 5–10-minute presentation at the April awards banquet
- Progress Updates. Submit a minimum of two (2) progress reports to the DDT Grant Committee within the 12-month period after the grant has been awarded. The first is due August 15 of the year of the award, and the second report is on January 10th of the following year. Reports should be sent to grants(@)
- Photos/Testimonies. During this 12-month period, we would also invite the agency to send relevant photos of actions and achievements resulting from the grant project, as well as inspiring testimonies.